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Why choose GamingDeluxe?
We’ve been supplying powerful dedicated server hosting since 2004. We run multiple racks of rack mounted high performance Dell servers. Each are built to our exacting specifications to provide industry leading performance, boasting the Intel Xeon chips.
We don't believe in cutting corners; everything must be of the best quality to ensure our customers receive only the highest performance. We avoid cheaper Shuttle PCs, which lower quality dedicated server providers tend to use - these systems simply aren’t in the same league as the rack mountable Dell servers we use.
Despite exclusively using high-end servers, you’ll find our prices are among the cheapest available. That’s because we run our servers in-house - we’re not resellers - meaning there’s no middle man to pay, so savings are passed on to you! Furthermore, because there are no third parties involved at GamingDeluxe, we have a lot more control over the set up and allocation of your server resources.
- Premium low latency independant Network.
- Experienced and reliable customer support.
- Wide Range of servers.
- Permanently Low Prices.
- Bohemia Interactive, EA, DICE, Tripwire Interactive and Massive Entertainment Trusted Ranked Provider. Ranked Dedi options available.
To see a list of this months special offers click here.
DDOS Protection.
Our network is covered by 800gb DDOS protection, and is capable of filtering out huge volumes of unwanted traffic allowing you an uninterrupted service.
Bandwidth Packages
Unlimited Gaming Bandwidth Package
Port presentation: 1000Mbit full duplex
Bandwidth usage: Unmetered
Permitted applications: Game server traffic only
Selecting this option means that you agree to only using your dedicated server to run game servers. The service includes unlimited bandwidth but only for game traffic and excludes massive multiplayer online games (MMOG/MMORPG's). Any use of the server beyond this purpose such as file sharing, is strictly prohibited. Please note: We allow for the installation of applications such as MySQL and Apache which various stat add-ons require as well voice comms such as Teamspeak or Ventrilo.
Any Use Bandwidth Package
Port presentation: 100Mbit full duplex
Bandwidth usage: 20Mbit 95TH PERCENTILE included (approximately equivalent to 7,000GB of data transfer)
Permitted applications: Any
Selecting this option allows you to install and run any application with the exception of IRCD's, which are strictly prohibited. This package allows bandwidth usage up to 20Mbit 95th Percentile through the month. Please note: We in no way cap or restrict network ports and exceeding the bandwidth limits by a vast amount will result in additional charging of £9+VAT per Mbit based on 95th Percentile billing.
Unmetered 100mbit Bandwidth Package
Port presentation: 100Mbit full duplex
Bandwidth Usage limits: Unmetered
Permitted applications: Any
Selecting this option provides a flat rate, unmetered connection per month. Like the Any Use Bandwidth Package, you can install and run any application with the exception of IRCD's, which are strictly prohibited. There are no bandwidth restrictions other than the purchased capacity of the line (100Mbit.)
Please note: Dedicated servers sold as special offers are for new customers only. Existing customers may also take advantage of any special offer but as an additional server to their existing or may need an IP change to take advantage of the offer.
Custom Servers?
We supply custom dedicated server packages to many clans for what ever reason. If you have a specific requirement i.e. Dual processor machines with huge ammounts of ram, RAID setup or multiple hard disks please contact us for a custom quote.